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Sunday, August 15, 2010

2010 Life Path Challenge

For our question this week I have something that will bring to mind actual physical places, but on the other hand, you might not want to limit it to that. Think outside the box because there is more to this life than what we experience in the physical. Especially when it comes to artsy people. So our question this week is not really a question, but a statement.


Certainly be sure to think about those places you've loved, like homes or vacations and you might want to devote more than one page of art or writing to this, but places you have loved may also be places in your mind....like a creative mood. Keep open and remember, what you put into this is what you will have as a treasure later to share with family and friends. Enjoy. Coleen

1 comment:

Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas said...

Oh, I love it! I just came across your blog at the bloggerette Sorority.
It really came out nice!
Thank you for sharing!

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