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Friday, March 23, 2012


"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." "Do what you love, love what you do." No truer words said for me. God has given me the desires of my heart. I am doing what I love. That includes creating art and teaching others about the joy of creating. God made us in his image so we are naturals when it comes to creating. Trouble is we grow up and so much of that is forgotten or stifled. I try to bring that back out in people. It is my great joy when a child gushes with pride over having made something. Or when the light bulb comes on with a lady as she makes something pleasing, realizing she can do it. I love bringing that out in others. I have the satisfaction of having contributed, of having "given back." And my hope and prayer always is that the participants might have come to know God a little better in the process. Be creative today, knowing you were made to do so.


Unknown said...

Isn't it awesome how God has put his own creativity in us! We're definitely reflecting Him when we use that creativity. :)

Have a great weekend!


Coleen said...

Nice to see you on here Sarah, thanks for stopping by. I can't agree more...we are creative beings, just like our Creator. Blessings to you.

Laurie Jefferies said...

Our creativeness is a testimony to our being made in the image of God. What a wonderful gift and opportunity you have to teach others and love doing it! Thank you for sharing your joy Coleen!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to get caught up on email, somehow I missed this post. Lovely, colorful pages. Your butterflies are beautiful.

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