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Saturday, August 15, 2009

River Rock Path

Jeff took the lower photo from this. I wanted to show you the new path I am working on. We buy these rocks a bucket at a time and have been doing this for several years, so I have a couple such paths around the yard. They really do make for a lovely touch. And as we approach fall, the garden is in all it's fullness and glory. I love spring with everything new and surprises, but I so enjoy fall for all the lushness and abundance that surrounds me. It is a time, for a short while, when everything is so beautiful and made more so by the fact that in, not so long a time, it will all be asleep under a deep blanket of snow. Already our temperatures have started to moderate. I still have flannel sheets on the bed, no a/c and I wore winter pjs twice this week. May your Sunday be blessed with the joy and love of the Lord.

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