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Thursday, March 28, 2013


These are two of my classes from last week in Sunday school.  The top kiddos made wreaths.  Someone gave me some glow-in-the-dark flowers and stars.  We incorporated those with construction paper flowers.  When they were done we turned off the lights (basement room so dark) to show them. Lots of ohhs and ahhs.  So fun.

The middle picture is my sweet helper, Anastasia.  She's instructing the 10 year old boys.  They are always a handful, but fun.  Notice her heavy coat.  Still very cold here in Ukraine and rooms just never get real warm so everyone has their coats on.  The babies above have an extra electric heater.

Lastly the boys and one of the Sunday school teachers having fun with the photographer.  I think he looks good with rabbit ears.  Interesting how things like this cross cultural barriers.

My thanks to you who send materials for me to do this ministry with the children.  I couldn't do it otherwise.  You are a blessing to many.

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