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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Almost Winter

It is hard to imagine that this is growing in my garden in November. It is close to the house on the south side so I would imagine that those factors help it. We have been blessed by having a very mild fall. Global warming? Well, some call it that, but in an area where we usually have snow by now it does cause one to wonder. Just wanted to share God's beauty with you.


Kelly said...

What a true blessing this is! Flowers here in Calgary, Alberta Canada have long frozen over!

Abi's Blog said...

Beautiful! I still have a few roses blooming - but we are supposed to have a freeze tomorrow night - of course we have the A/C on tonight.

Coleen said...

Sometimes we think Texas might be a good place to retire, except in summer, of course. I know there are snow birds in the north, so do you have sweat birds in the south?

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