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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring In Ukraine

These are Siberian Iris. They are very short, about 4 inches tall. Like the crocus, they come up early before the earth becomes green. They are such a marvelous expression of God's creativity. The ultimate Creator who decorated the earth. Aren't we grateful.


Zoë said...

gorgeous flowers!

I am following you as a part of the swap bot swap "I want more blogger followers" and my username is strandedhero.

Emma @ emmanemhandmade said...

That color purple is divine! I'm following you from swapbot!

M said...

Hello! I'm maferu from swapbot :D from the 'I want more blogger followers swap' !

nice flowers

noodleBubble said...

New follower from SB
noodleBubble- isn't Spring amazing?! X

Jennifer McLean said...

Such beautiful Irises. I love their vibrant blue. I'm not sure, but I think our irises come out later in the year, either that or I already missed seeing ours!!
I intend on painting our irises this this year so I sure hope I haven't missed them.
I'm Jaemac from swapbot, by the way. And I'm still following you.

Jessica Whitehouse said...

Following your blog from the "I want more blog followers" swap. Jessica - Panda2778 on Swapbot.

My personal blog: The Unicorn Castle

Thea said...

Beautiful flower. I'm fibrous from swapbot, and I'm now following your blog.

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