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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Now you see where I got all these great moss pictures.
I just love taking shots of textural things and when you combine it with natural texture, all the better. I love nature and just wanted to scoop these pretties up and take them home, but just did so in my photos. I may make some paper out of them for an art project. I know some of you think I'm a bit strange, but this beautiful example of nature just speaks of the Great Creator to me. They are all covered over with snow now, but these were taken in the fall while we traveled.


Abi's Blog said...

I LOVE the moss photos. I too like to take nature shots...I am also enjoying the question of the week - I'm writing the answers each week and will continue to add and perhaps post some of the writing on my blog later... it's still in rough draft form...:) Have a wonderful day!

Coleen Franks said...

I am excited to hear that you are doing the challenge. I've been having fun with it. Feel free to link your blog to mine in the comments if you want to share anything with the others who are doing it. You will like the direction the questions will be heading soon. Love, Coleen

candyn said...

Beautiful photographs! I love moss very much. It just makes my heart feel happy. candyn/swapbot

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