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Monday, November 18, 2013


This has been my silliness of late.  I did the lower ones first from hymn sheets of an old book that was put in it's binding upside down.  So it made a perfect candidate for crafting.  What you can't see here is the beautiful shimmer they each have.  The upper group was made from cardboard headed to the recycle bin.  I really do like birds so it stands to reason I would like feathers as well.  I'm already making more on this feather kick.  Not sure where it will end, but some have already flown off to other parts of the world.  I also shared this idea with my class  and they all wanted to make some as well.  So fun!  Hope you like them.


Kat McNally said...

Hello Coleen!
How are you travelling? Can you believe we're on the cusp of December?
I thought you might like to know that I am hosting Reverb again this year. It'd be a privilege to have you join us.
Everything you need to know can be found at: http://www.katmcnally.com/p/reverb13.html
We kick off on Sunday and it is going to be AMAZING. Hope to see you there!
Kat xxx

Mihaela said...

Love the feathers!! They will look great in the christmas tree.

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