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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


As of the first of October I became involved in an art adventure called the "Traveling Artist's Guild." This will go on for one year and we will not only be creating art, but writing a story of our adventure. Anyone can play along, but the core group of 28 artists, myself included, will be posting our stories and work to the Traveling Artist's Guild blog. You may click on the title to visit the blog.

Susan Letham originated this idea. She is from England, but living in Germany now. We have artists involved from all over the world.

I see the creation of my story as an allegory of the Christian life and would so appreciate your prayers for me that I would be sensitive to His leading in the story and art. May all honor and glory go to Him that He be lifted up. http://travellingartistsguild.wordpress.com/

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