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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The View from My Window

Our home is placed on the front part of our lot which makes it closer to the road than I often like. There are, though, some advantages, like a big back yard and easy view of what or who drives by. This morning I was pleased to see a couple in their horse-drawn wagon. Our dirt road runs parallel to a nearby highway so this couple we see now and then. It reminds me of the simpler life in Ukraine that is rapidly passing away. When we arrived 15 years ago, such sights were not at all uncommon. I remember one farmer bragging about his horse didn't need gasoline and it didn't break down. For some in the coutry villages though, life continues in a manner much like it was 50-75 years ago. They plant a garden in spring, they store and can their harvest in fall. Some raise a pig for meat in winter. Some have a cow for milk and/or chickens for eggs and eating. This life is more similar to life in America maybe 100 years ago or more. Some have jobs out, but others make their living from what they can raise and sell some on the side. It is an interesting life here in Ukraine. We are grateful God has given us a small part in bringing hope to people here through training Jeff does of pastors and my work with ladies and children. When joy comes into their lives, it is an exciting moment. Thank you for taking time to read what I write. May your day be blessed.

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