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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jordan's Album

This was our Jan/Feb Challenge project from Yahoo Mini Groups. We do various mini-albums for scrapbooking and such. Jordon's is one of my granddaughters. This challenge was to do a scrapbook by recycling something. I chose a child's board book because I was making this book for Jordan herself (age 3), so I wanted something tough to hold up to a lot of carrying around and flipping through as a three year old would do. Leah is doing one of Jordan's older sister Julia which we will show you soon. Here is the URL for Yahoo's Mini-Books Group if you want to check it out: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mini-books/
Also, if you'd like some easy directions for mini-books check out this website for clear easy directions to some fun stuff: http://www.making-mini-scrapbooks.com/

1 comment:

Coleen said...

Thanks for sharing this, Sarah. Just lovely to see it again. Love you, girl.

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