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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Fatbook, What Is That?

Sometime back I joined an internet group that does scrapbooking. Mainly we make mini-scrapbooks. A Fatbook is a 4x4" size book. People sign up to a particular challenge (this one was Christmas) and they make a card for all the other participants. When finished we mail them to each other. It doesn't take many cards for the book to get pretty fat. Sure is fun and I learn things from doing it that I can pass on in my classes here. You can check them out at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mini-books/

1 comment:

Yoshi said...

This looks great. I love projects where you gather pieces from many different people to put together. I am currently in a Swapbot swap for quilt squares and I can't wait to get them all together at the end of the year for a great quilt.

Yoshi (libertunity from Swapbot)

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