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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Blah! Blah! Blah! Why Write Another Blog?

This is a question that I know will come up since I have already been writing "The Franks In Ukraine & CIS" for almost a year. That site I feel has been an expression of what our mission is here in Ukraine. I will continue that writing as it is our joy and our life work for as long as God keeps us here.

Another Aspect:
Life has many twists and turns and there is more to each soul than just the work they do. Therefore, I have decided that "Tea on the Terrace" will be an expression of the more personal side of our lives, as I see it. I hope this might be a place where some might come and sit, as if we were having tea together and maybe even find refreshment. What this will become a year hence, we shall see.

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