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Monday, May 30, 2011

Black Tulips

Well, that's what the package said, but they don't quite look black to me and I'm glad. I mean, who wants black tulips, but I figured they'd be a dark color. Tulips are about done here in Ukraine and we are now in Iris season. I love watching the changes.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Butterflies and Hot Air

This journal page started with a dinner out with family in Texas, Andy, Gayle and Melissa. I started doodling on a napkin while we were all talking. I"m just one of those hyperactive Type A's that wants to be doing something all the time. If they'd been diagnosing when I was a kid I"m sure I would have been ADHD. Just the title describes me well. See there, I am off on a tangent. Anyway, I started with circles in the top of the balloon. I didn't know I was going to draw that. It's just what it turned into. I used a wash of diluted Elmer's to attach it. The rest of the layout came from the Butterfly house in Dallas that we visited. It's an amazing place if you ever get a chance to go there. I got lots of great photos. I'll post some later. Whoops, another rabbit trail. The background circles idea came form a video on Milliande's Art Journal January. She does a journal page a day. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think.

Friday, May 20, 2011


I've been so blessed this year because I got to see spring twice. Once in the south in America and again upon returning to our home here in Ukraine. I love spring with all it's fresh new colors. These tulips are in my front yard, just a sampling. Hope you like seeing them.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Now this is a way to personalize that Ipad you just bought. Believe me, no one will have your cover if you do it yourself. This is so cool.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


This piece of mail art was to represent where I stand in my art after a 3.5 month furlough in the states. All I could do while driving in the car was an art journal and that was not always easy, but this little piece helped me to get back into my playroom and get started again. So now I'm "Moving On." Happy Sunday to you all. Coleen

Color Pencil Technique By Shari Carroll

Here's some great colored pencil technique. I like colored pencils and this has helped me to know better how to use them. I post things that I like and think might be helpful to others. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.
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